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Class 08 (BR Blue) - Download instructions

      The UK class 08 in BR Blue livery is available for you to "Try before you buy". You can download the model which is fully functional but has some features disabled, there is no livery switching, in cab mode the windows are opaque, and you only have a few litres of fuel! The full features of the model are immediately activated as soon as a valid license key is installed.

To try out the class 08 follow these simple installation instructions:

"Locksmith" software protection

The model uses a software protection scheme called "Locksmith" that must be installed before you can use the model. Unfortunately the installs are slightly different for TRS 04 and 06.


For TRS2006 simply install the following CDP: Locksmith06.cdp


For TRS2004 download and execute the .exe packaged in the following zip file: Locksmith04.zip

This will install a custom script library for your system. It does not install any Windows executables or DLLs, does not modify any registry entries and the installer itself has been virus scanned so is perfectly safe. It simply looks in the registry to find TRS2004, extracts some data from the install files and generates an encrypted script (.gse) file.

The Class 08 model

The main model is packaged as a single CDP containing all its dependancies and so is unfortunately approximately 5.8 Mbytes: Class 08 (BR Blue) v4

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