by ElDavo

Script support for PikkBird's "bluestar" coupling system

What is CoupleStar?

CoupleStar is a Trainz GameScript library that provides a simple and convenient way for Trainz model makers to add coupler and brake hose animations to their models without having to become scripting experts. The scripting system for TRS2004 is a powerful environment but to those not familiar with programming can seem somewhat daunting. CoupleStar attempts to make adding a few "bells and whistles" to your model, coupler and brake hose animations with practically no scripting knowledge. In fact all the scripting you require can be done by copying and pasting from the example below!

CoupleStar allows your model to support the "bluestar" coupling protocol defined by PikkaBird. Any model that supports Pikka's bluestar standard should couple and connect brake hoses with models by other creators that also support bluestar. All credit for the bluestar standard goes to PikkaBird and thanks go to him for allowing the use of it.

How CoupleStar works

CoupleStar is a script class that subclasses the Trainz "Library" class which allows it to be shared by a number of models within the game. Each model that uses CoupleStar needs a very simple script that calls a CoupleStar function during initialisation (the "Init" method) to set the initial state of the couplings. In addition the models script class defines a coupling handler method to listend for coupling events. This method also calls a CoupleStar function to update the coupler states.

To display the different coupler and hose states CoupleStar uses a set of coupler and hose meshes that are attached to designated attachment points on the model in the right combinations. A number of appropriate coupler and hose meshes are available on the Auran Trainz DLS or the model maker can use their own creations.

Using CoupleStar with your model

The model

All that is required in the mesh of your model is the definition of attachment points for the various couplers, hoses and lamps. These attachment points are defined using "Point Helper" objects in the same way as the bogie attachments, a.lomfront, a.limback, etc. Create the objects in the top view and for those at the rear of the vehicle rotate them 180 degrees while still in top view.

Your model will require an attachment point for the couplers in the centre of each buffer beam or end plate and you will need to raise this to the appropriate height in the front/back or left/right views. For the couplers produced by Eldavo's Railway Emporium and available from the Trainz DLS, the attachment point is in the centre of the coupler where it meets the buffer beam.

Similarly you will need attachment points for any brake, reservoir, or vacuum hoses. Again for the Eldavo created examples the attachment point is in the centre of the object where it meets the main model. If you wish to use a rear lamp such as Pikka's excellent flashing battery lamp you will need attachments for these. The names of the attachment points in your model are not significant as the config.txt file will map these names to the effect names that the script will use.

The following illustration shows a model in GMax with its attachments for standard drawbar mounted couplers, air brake hoses, and rear lamps. If your model has air brake reservoir hoses and/or vacuum hoses then you will require more attachments than are shown here.

The config.txt file

To tie the model and the scripting together you will need some entries in the model's config.txt file. First up you will need to decalre that the mode requires TRS2004 service pack 4 at least. This is accomplished by having a trainz-build tag entry specifying 2.4 which equates to a build version of 2365 (2370 UK). CoupleStar will not work with earlier versions of Trainz or TRS as the script functions it uses did not work until service pack 4!

trainz-build					2.4

Your model config.txt will need to declare the mesh assets that will be used for couplers, hoses, and rear lamps in the kuid-table section. This will help the Download Helper to retrieve all the dependancies when people download your model and also is the way the CoupleStar library identifies the objects. The names are significant, note they all start with "CoupleStar_".

You must declare the need for the CoupleStar library asset itself otherwise your vehicles script will not be able to find it and folks may not download it! This is achieved with the CoupleStar_library entry.

You need to definine the coupler meshes you wish to use, which are named CoupleStar_coupler_coupled, CoupleStar_coupler_stowed, and CoupleStar_coupler_hanging. For a screwlink, 3 link, or instanter coupling equipped vehicle you will need all three entries. In the case of these coupler types you can use hanging model for the stowed version. See the later section on coupler types for more information. For each type of hose your model uses you will need to define a mesh asset for the coupled version and the hanging/unused version. If you are using a rear lamp, define a mesh here as well.

The final two entries in the example below define the corona used by Pikka's lamp , a dependancy of the lamp mesh, and the bluestar icon. The icon is optional and you may omit it if you wish.

kuid-table {
	CoupleStar_library			<kuid2:75134:99002>
	CoupleStar_coupler_coupled		<kuid2:75134:15012>
	CoupleStar_coupler_stowed		<kuid2:75134:15015>
	CoupleStar_coupler_hanging		<kuid2:75134:15014>
	CoupleStar_airhose_hanging		<kuid2:75134:15006>
	CoupleStar_airhose_coupled		<kuid2:75134:15008>
	CoupleStar_lamp				<kuid:2512:9>
	lampcorona				<kuid:2512:8>
	icon3					<kuid:2512:5>

If you wish to display Pikka's bluestar icon with your model in the vehicle selection dialog add an icon reference like so:

icon3					<kuid:2512:5>

Next you need to add bluestar coupler and brake definitions to tell the script what sort of attachments it needs to look for and use when your vehicle couples.

bluestar_coupler			"50"
bluestar_brake				"4"

The bluestar_coupler options are as follows:

	10		Simple coupler hook
	11		Coupler hook with a hingeable buckeye/auto coupler
	20		Drawhook with 3 link coupler
	30		Drawhook with instanter coupler
	40		Drawhook with screwlink coupler and buckeye/auto coupler
	50		Drawhook with screwlink coupler
	60		Buckeye/auto coupler

The bluestar_brake options are:

	1		No brake pipes
	2		Vacuum brakepipes mounted below the bufferbeam
	3		Vacuum brakepipes mounted above the bufferbeam
	4		Air brake pipes
	5		Air brake and vacuum brake pipes

Now define the script class for your model. The name of the class is entirely of your choosing but must match up with the filename of the file in which the source code is saved.

class						"CSExample"
script						"CSExample"

Finally we need some mesh-table entries to define the attachment points for the couplers and hoses. The names are significant and end with either "_a" for attachments at the front or "_b" for those at the read. Therefore coupler_a defines the attachment point for the front coupler and coupler_b defines the attachment point for the rear coupler. For each entry the "a.xxxx" name is the name of the Point Helper in the GMax model.

mesh-table {
	default {
		effects {
			coupler_a {
				kind		attachment
				att		a.couplerA
			coupler_b {
				kind		attachment
				att		a.couplerB
			airhose_a {
				kind		attachment
				att		a.hoseA
			airhose_b {
				kind		attachment
				att		a.hoseB
			lamp_a {
				kind		attachment
				att		a.lampA
			lamp_b {
				kind		attachment
				att		a.lampB

The script file

The following is an example minimum script file for a model using CoupleStar. To use this with your model all you need to do is copy this example (also provided in the package) to the directory containing the config.txt of your model. Rename the file and change the name entry in the class declaration to your chosen class name. Change every reference to "CSExample" to your chosen name.

include ""
include ""

   CSExample - CoupleStar usage example
   Author: Dave Renshaw (eldavo)

   Copyright Dave Renshaw 2005. All rights reserved.


class CSExample isclass Vehicle
    void CouplingHandler(Message msg);

    Library couplestar;

    void Init(void) {

        couplestar = World.GetLibrary(GetAsset().LookupKUIDTable("CoupleStar_library"));
        if (couplestar) {
            GSObject[] objectParam = new GSObject[1];
            objectParam[0] = me;
            // Set up the initial couplers and hoses...
            couplestar.LibraryCall("SetInitialCouplers", null, objectParam);

        AddHandler(me, "Vehicle", null, "CouplingHandler");

    void CouplingHandler(Message msg) {
        if (couplestar) {
            GSObject[] objectParam = new GSObject[2];
            objectParam[0] = me;
            objectParam[1] = msg.src;
            string[] stringParam = new string[2];
            stringParam[0] = msg.major;
            stringParam[1] = msg.minor;
            couplestar.LibraryCall("HandleMessage", stringParam, objectParam);

Further info

The functions available in the library

The CoupleStar library contains 3 functions that can be called with the standard "LibraryCall" method, 2 for normal use and 1 that can be used for debugging.


The SetInitialCouplers function is called from the Init method of the vehicle script to set up an initial set of couplers and hoses. The function takes one parameter, a reference to the vehicle itself. If all is well the function returns the string "OK". In the example below the return string is used to decide whether we should set up a handler to listen for messages telling us when the vehilce couples and uncouples from others.


void Init(void) {

	GSObject[] objectParam = new GSObject[1];
	objectParam[0] = me;
	if (couplestar.LibraryCall("SetInitialCouplers", null, objectParam) == "OK") {
		AddHandler(me, "Vehicle", null, "CouplingHandler");


The HandleMessage function is called to allow CoupleStar to respond to coupling and uncoupling messages. The function takes two object parameters: a reference to the vehicle itself, and a reference to the object that sent the message from the msg object. In addition the function takes two string parameters: the major and minor message identities.


void CouplingHandler(Message msg) {
	GSObject[] objectParam = new GSObject[2];
	objectParam[0] = me;
	objectParam[1] = msg.src;
	string[] stringParam = new string[2];
	stringParam[0] = msg.major;
	stringParam[1] = msg.minor;
	couplestar.LibraryCall("HandleMessage", stringParam, objectParam);


The CheckConfig function can be used when testing your model to have the CoupleStar library analyse the config.txt file of your model and to check whether it can successfully animate the couplers and hoses. You should not leave calls to this function in your script once you are happy with the model as it is a fairly expensive function to call in terms of CPU.


	GSObject[] objectParam = new GSObject[1];
	objectParam[0] = me;
	couplestar.LibraryCall("CheckConfig", null, objectParam);

This function is automatically called as part of the SetInitialCouplers function when you examine the model in Railyard so in most cases you don't need to use this function. If somebody has problems with your model simply ask them to look at it in Railyard and then have them send you the JetLog.txt file. The following is an example of the output you might expect to see in the log file:

   : MOA bogie open box wagon (kuid2 75134 15038 1) Copyright Dave Renshaw (Eldavo's Railway Emporium) 2005
   : CoupleStar coupling handler v0.9a. Copyright Dave Renshaw (Eldavo's Railway Emporium) 2005
   : -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   : | CoupleStar coupling handler v0.9a. Copyright Dave Renshaw (Eldavo's Railway Emporium) 2005
   : |
   : | Checking config.txt for MOA bogie open box wagon 1 kuid '
   : |  instance id is '3'
   : |
   : | Checking bluestar entries in config.txt...
   : | bluestar_coupler     50  (drawhook with screwlink coupler)   OK.
   : | bluestar_coupler      4  (air brake hose)   OK.
   : |
   : | Checking kuid-table entries in config.txt...
   : | CoupleStar_coupler_coupled       OK.
   : |
   : |   **ERROR** No asset found for 'CoupleStar_coupler_stowed' in config.txt kuid-table!
   : |   No coupling animations will be performed for this vehicle.
   : | CoupleStar_coupler_hanging       OK.
   : | CoupleStar_airhose_hanging       OK.
   : | CoupleStar_airhose_coupled       OK.
   : | CoupleStar_lamp       OK.
   : |
   : | Checking mesh-table entries in config.txt...
   : | Front coupler will be attached to mesh attachment coupler_a(a.couplerA) OK.
   : | Rear coupler will be attached to mesh attachment coupler_b(a.couplerB) OK.
   : | Front air brake hose will be attached to mesh attachment airhose_a(a.hoseA) OK.
   : | Rear air brake hose will be attached to mesh attachment airhose_b(a.hoseB) OK.
   : | Rear lamps will be attached to mesh attachment lamp_a(a.lampA) OK.
   : | Rear lamps will be attached to mesh attachment lamp_b(a.lampB) OK.
   : |
   : | Checking assets can be created...
   : | CoupleStar_coupler_coupled     OK.
   : | CoupleStar_coupler_hanging     OK.
   : CoupleStar.GetAsset() - *WARNING* can't find mesh asset 'CoupleStar_airhose_coupled'!
   : CoupleStar.SetVehicle() [v1.0] my vehicle name is 'MOA bogie open box wagon 1' and id is '3'
   : |
   : |   **ERROR** Unable to access asset 'CoupleStar_airhose_coupled'.  Please ensure  has been downloaded.
   : |   No coupling animations will be performed for this vehicle.
   : | CoupleStar_airhose_hanging     OK.
   : | CoupleStar_lamp     OK.
   : |
   : | 2 errors found.  Vehicle will NOT operate correctly.
   : -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The example above shows the output from CoupleStar after examining a vehicle in Railyard. In this case the acript has identified two errors in the configuration and setup. The first error identified is a missing kuid-table entry defining the mesh to be used for the coupler hanging unused. This is required as the vehicle is defined to have a screwlink coupling. The second error suggests that the asset for the coupled airhose is missing from the system. In fact in this case the kuid referenc in the config.txt is wrong which amounts to the same thing, the script can't create an instance of the asset!

Code examples

The source code for the CSExample script ( may be downloaded here
An example config.txt file may be downloaded here


If you have comments, suggestions, or questions regarding CoupleStar please feel free to contact ElDavo via e-mail at
Copyright Dave Renshaw (Eldavo's Railway Emporium) 2005